Sounds that are NORMAL in newborns

Newborns make all kinds of noises and as a new parent you might be sleeping with one eye open! The moment you have gotten used to one sound, your little one starts making a new noise entirely. But how do you know what is normal and what isn’t? 

Some of the noises that your baby may be making, but that are totally normal include:

  • Hiccups.

    • Babies are prone to hiccups and they often begin while they are still in the womb.

    • They are a common and innocent occurrence in newborns and most mamas will remember their babies having hiccups in their bellies during pregnancy.

  • Whistling.

    • You can often hear a whistling sound as your newborn draws in a breath and because their nasal passages are still tiny, they can sound very congested in the first few weeks of life.

    • Babies are “obligate nose breathers”, meaning they only breathe through their mouth when they are crying and any nasal congestion is immediately noticeable.

    • This is usually normal and can be helped by using nasal saline spray or placing a cool mist humidifier in their room.

  • Snorts & Grunts.

    • A lot of this can happen because babies usually breathe through their noses.

    • Snorting or grunting can make it possible for them to breathe and nurse at the same time.

    • It can also occur while your babe is in deep sleep.

  • Wheezing.

    • This can be caused by bronchomalacia (or narrowing, soft bronchi).

    • It is more pronounced when babies are laying down and can start after a few weeks of life, improving over a couple of months.

    • This is pretty common and typically harmless. 

  • Gurgling.

    • This can be caused by saliva pooling at the back of the mouth after feeds or while they are asleep and can sometimes be due to reflux. 

  • Periodic breathing.

    • This is a normal breathing pattern in newborns and you may notice it most when they are asleep.

    • You baby may seem like they are panting quicker at times or hold their breath briefly between 5-10 seconds at others.

    • But not to worry, this is typically nothing to be concerned about and just a sign of a healthy, developing baby!

Most of the noises your baby makes are perfectly normal!

But if you notice:

  • your baby’s lips are turning blue/purple,

  • they are holding their breath for more than 20 seconds at a time or

  • they had a fever during the first 28 days of life,

    contact your pediatrician. 

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