How to deal with Acne

Would you go back to being a teen? For us, that’s a quick nope. The teenage years can be so hard…stress, hormones, school, peer and societal pressures, social media...and for many, ACNE. 

Acne can be very stubborn and hard to manage, especially as it can be caused by multiple factors and there is no one single easy cure! 

If your teen struggles with acne, try this skincare regimen:

  1. Use a GENTLE, fragrance-free cleanser. We like Cerave and Cetaphil!

  2. Follow that with small amount of adapalene. This is a derivative of Vitamin A (like retinols/retinoids) that helps regulate skin cell turnover and inflammation, which helps it decrease the number of pimples and clogged pores over time. Let this completely dry. You can find this over the counter as Differin gel/cream.

  3. Follow with a gentle, fragrance-free, noncomedogenic moisturizer. We again like Cerave and Cetaphil for this!

  4. Wear a mineral sunscreen (containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide), if it’s day time! Sunscreen helps protect against skin cancer. Using adapalene can make skin more sensitive to the sun, so i’ts even more important to use a sunscreen!

Note that adapalene can irritate and dry the skin, so start with a small amount, maybe use it every other day, till your skin is able to tolerate it on a once daily basis. This is why we also recommend gentle, fragrance free cleansers and moisturizers, so that your skin is not irritated by these products. When using adapalene, try to limit time in the sun as well. 

If your skin is able to tolerate harsher compounds, you can also try to add in benzoyl peroxide (in your cleanser or as a spot treatment). 

It is important to be consistent, patient, and not over do treatments or try too many things at once. It can take up to 6 weeks to notice a difference and up to 12 weeks for significant improvement, depending on your regimen.  Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about your acne so they can help you find a regimen best suited to your type and severity of acne as well as for your lifestyle. 

Acne sucks. We understand. Remember that acne is temporary and does not define who you are.  Most people acne at one time or another. While this is easier said than done, try to keep this in perspective and not let it get you down. 


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